Dining areas

Cosy & welcoming

Enjoy freshly prepared regional and traditional dishes in our cosy restaurant in a relaxed atmosphere.

Gasthaus mit uriger Tiroler Gaststube
Urige Gaststube im Berghof Alpbach, Alpbachtal Holz bar im Berghof Alpbach im Alpbachtal

Where love and attention sets the table,
food tastes best.

Garden / terrace

Enjoy the sunny hours on our garden terrace at 1000m above sea level with views of the breathtaking mountains.

Terasse im Sommer, Sonnenschirm, Alpbachtal Gemütliche Terasse im Sommer, Berghof, Alpbachtal
Terrasse vor dem Haus
Created by Kapelari KG – Marketing. Fotografie. Design.